The Earth is singing
My name is Hanna. I am 15. I am Latvian. I live with my mother and grandmother. My father is missing, taken by the Russians. I have a boyfriend and I'm training to be a dancer. But none of that is important any more. Because the Nazis have arrived, and I am a Jew. And as far as they are concerned, that is all that matters. This is my story.
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Personen: Curtis, Vanessa
Standort: St. Johann
Curtis, Vanessa:
¬The¬ Earth is singing / Vanessa Curtis. - London : Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2015. - 327 S. - Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: 14 - 17 Jahre
ISBN 978-1-409-57744-7 kart. : EUR 10,80
Englisch (Fremdsprachige Literatur für Kinder und Jugendliche) - Buch: Kinder-Jugend