Glasgow, Kathleen
Neu The Glass Girl
Buch: Kinder-Jugend

Bella is at breaking point. Everyone in her life needs something from her, and there's only one thing that dulls the pain. Alcohol smooths the sharp edges and makes things so much easier. When Bella drinks, she doesn't feel heartbroken over her ex. Or caught in the middle of her parents' divorce. Or overcome with grief for her grandmother. But one night changes everything. When she awakes in hospital with no memory of what happened, it's time to face reality. And for Bella, that means rehab and the bumpy road to recovery.

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Personen: Glasgow, Kathleen

Standort: St. Johann

Schlagwörter: Tod Alkohol Trennung Scheidung Alkoholismus

Interessenkreis: ab 14 Jahren englischsprachige Literatur


Glasgow, Kathleen:
The Glass Girl / Kathleen Glasgow. - [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rock The Boat, [2024]. - 450 Seiten, Illustrationen
ISBN 9780861544271 Broschur : EUR 13,99

Zugangsnummer: 0046177001 - Barcode: 3062680264
Englisch (Fremdsprachige Literatur für Kinder und Jugendliche) - Buch: Kinder-Jugend